Case studies include information about actual recoveries
completed within our lab. You may find similar symptoms to a problem
you are having with your drive. Here are a couple of recent cases:
Seagate Clicking
1TB Raid

**No Evaluation Fees / No Attempt Fees** Free evaluation and free external hard drive with every successfull recovery. You pay nothing unless your data is recoverable. Call now for a free quote: 1-800-717-8974. |
Corrupt File System
There are occasions when a complete data recovery that maintains the
original file structure is not possible. Severe file system corruption
will usually result in the directory structure being lost, and even file
names and modification dates are lost. When this occurs, the data may
or may not be recoverable. It depends on whether there has been any significant
file fragmentation.
When severe corruption of the file system occurs, we will generally use
a method of recovery called "carving". This involves doing a
full scan of the drive, and pulling out files based on their header information.
Each file type has a specific header associated with it. We simply use
a database of known headers, and then search for those types of files
throughout the raw data.
After we have carved out the data, it will be organized by file type.
Let's say our customer only needed Microsoft Word documents, we would
organize the data in a folder title "Microsoft Word", and the
files within the folder would be numbered 001.doc, 002.doc, 003.doc, etc.
As you can see, the original file information such as the file name, along
with the last modification date would be lost. However, the contents of
the file, will still be intact.
Having to use this method of recovery is not the norm, and it is very
rare that it becomes a necessity. It just helps customers who may be desperate
to get their data back, and know the file type, and will be happy just
getting it back in whatever format possible.
**No Evaluation Fees / No Attempt Fees** Call now for a free quote: 1-800-717-8974. For over a decade we have been dedicated to recovering data for clients across the globe.
Get setup as a reseller and get 10% off of all our
recovery services. 10% may not seem like a lot, but when you factor
in that we are already one of the lowest priced data recovery providers,
it can mean you have room for a substantial mark up.
ACS Data Recovery
1005 Marlandwood Rd. Suite 117
Temple, TX 76502

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