Case studies include information about actual recoveries
completed within our lab. You may find similar symptoms to a problem
you are having with your drive. Here are a couple of recent cases:
Seagate Clicking
1TB Raid
**No Evaluation Fees / No Attempt Fees** Free evaluation and free external hard drive with every successfull recovery. You pay nothing unless your data is recoverable. Call now for a free quote: 1-800-717-8974. |
Accidentally Deleted Files
Many computer users are under the assumption that when they delete a
file that it is gone forever. However, that is not always the case. Infact,
depending on how much additional data has been written to the drive since
the file was deleted, it can almost always be recovered. In Mac
operating systems this gets a little more complicated, and sometimes after
files are deleted on those systems, they are indeed gone, and the very
best you can hope for is to carve the data out. On Windows
based systems though, the blocks containing the files are only marked
as empty, which then tells the operating system that it can write new
data to those blocks. If data is written to the blocks that have been
marked as empty, then the file will be effectively overwritten and cannot
be recovered at that point.
There is some debate, albeit very little, that overwritten data can be
recovered. There are respected members of the industry that feel if you
were to examine the platters under an electron microscope you could still
see fragments of data that had been overwritten. This may be true, but
unless you have literally decades of your life to dedicate towards recovering
a single, very small piece of data using this method, it's pretty safe
to say that the data is gone. The simple fact remains that if a file is
deleted and the sectors that contained fragments of that file are overwritten,
then the file is gone, and cannot be recovered. Even when we wipe drives
for our customers, we are basically writing data to each sector to insure
that the original data is gone for good. That is the same method the Department
of Defense uses when wiping drives in order to secure their data. So the
simple fact remains, files that are deleted can be recovered until those
files are overwritten in some form or fashion.
If your data has been accidentally deleted, it's vitally important that
you don't use the drive any longer. Even when doing something as simple
as web browsing, you run the risk of overwriting your data since your
browser stores web page data in a cache, and the operating system may
see sectors that contain your lost data as a good place to store these
files. So if you have deleted important data, it's imperative that you
contact a data recovery professional to get your data back. At ACS Data
Recovery all of our recovery methods start out by putting your drive in
a "write protected" mode which prevents any data from being
written to your drive. We then image the drive, and perform all recovery
work from that image. For more information please call 1-800-717-8974
and we'll be happy to help you.
**No Evaluation Fees / No Attempt Fees** Call now for a free quote: 1-800-717-8974. For over a decade we have been dedicated to recovering data for clients across the globe.
Get setup as a reseller and get 10% off of all our
recovery services. 10% may not seem like a lot, but when you factor
in that we are already one of the lowest priced data recovery providers,
it can mean you have room for a substantial mark up.
ACS Data Recovery
1005 Marlandwood Rd. Suite 117
Temple, TX 76502
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International: +1-254-774-8282
Fax: 1-800-717-8974